
We Serve Clients of all Sizes, across all Industries.

Our experts have helped secure organizations in all business verticals.


We Serve Clients of all Sizes, Across all Industries. Our experts have helped secure organizations in all business verticals.

Banks & Financials

Comply with requirements, protect your client’s data and your assets.


Protect your sensitive information and intellectual property from leaks.


Protect your equipment’s and your patient’s data from disruptive cyber-attacks.


Protect your sensitive information, important research, and IP from leaks.

Oil & Energy

Secure your processes, supply chains, and critical installations from security breaches.


Secure your SCADA/ICS installations and networks from disruptive cyber-attacks.

Transport & Logistics

Integrate technologies safely into your operations, and secure your supply chains.


Secure your sensitive data, and protect your systems from state-sponsored cyber-attacks.

Why Vtangent ?

Reasons you can rely on us.

High-quality Service

Outcome Focused

Actionable & Detailed Reports

Product Agnostic


Vtangent employs highly-certified and experienced cybersecurity professionals with deep expertise in a broad range of security domains. Our security qualifications: 

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A specialist will reach out to:

  • Understand your needs
  • Determine your project scope
  • Provide a cost estimate
  • Send you a detailed proposal