Social Engineering

Turn people from your greatest threat to your greatest threat detection


Customized real-life phishing exercises designed around your organization.

Psychological manipulation is a tactic commonly used by cybercriminals. By crafting emails and web pages that imitate those of known organizations and contacts, fraudsters aim to trick individuals into clicking dangerous links, opening malicious attachments, and disclosing personal details.

Vtangent’s social engineering services allow you to accurately assess the ability of your systems and personnel to detect and respond to email phishing attacks. Gain precise insight into the potential risks through customized assessments created for your organization.


Benefits of social engineering testing:
  • Identifies risks posed
  • Understand how susceptible your employees are to falling foul of social engineering scams, such as spear phishing and Business Email Compromise attacks.
  • Reveals your information footprint
  • Evaluates defenses
  • Raises cyber awareness
  • Enhances security training

Why Vtangent ?

Reasons you can rely on us.

High-quality Service

Outcome Focused

Actionable & Detailed Reports

Product Agnostic


Vtangent employs highly-certified and experienced cybersecurity professionals with deep expertise in a broad range of security domains. Our security qualifications: 

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  • Understand your needs
  • Determine your project scope
  • Provide a cost estimate
  • Send you a detailed proposal